Plant Profile: Castanospermum australe

Castanospermum australe  (common name: 'lucky bean plant', 'Moreton Bay chestnut' or 'black bean') is known by savvy gardeners and florists as a striking and easy to grow houseplant. It's also one of the easiest plants to propagate from seed, ever. In the wild, Castanospermum australe grows in coastal rainforests on the east coast of Australia. It can grow to 40 meters …

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The war on ants

Ants have nested in my balcony pot plants, and they have gotta go     I have no problem with the occasional ant but an ant nest (with hundreds of thousands of ants) is problematic because: Ants encourage sap-sucking insect pests such as aphids, mealy bugs and scale by 'farming' the sugary honeydew secreted by the …

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The perfect houseplant : Bird’s Nest Fern

Perfect is perhaps an overstatement, but Bird's Nest Ferns, or Asplenium australasicum, are pretty great.  Why? They are epiphytes in the wild, meaning they grow on trees or things like rocks, not in soil. As a houseplant, this means that they tolerate dry conditions and poor potting mix. Further, they tolerate low to medium light. Perfect for …

Continue reading The perfect houseplant : Bird’s Nest Fern